Well, the day finally came. Poor Allyson had to watch Nicole go to school for three days last week and she had to wait until today. She was so excited and, of course, didn't hesitate to run inside her classroom and get busy playing. So much for separation anxiety! Here these other kids were melting down and clinging to their parents. Mine was like, "See ya!" Ha Ha!
We took the usual in-front-of-the-house photo. And, as is her latest custom, Allyson felt the need to strike several poses for the occasion.
This is in front of her classroom.
And walking in...
I had to pry her away from a toy to "check in" with Mrs. Crabtree.
When it was time to go the kids were still out on the playground.
Just snapped a picture as they were walking back in.
She may not have cared when I dropped her off, but she was at least happy to see me pick her up!
Allyson's first, official school project!
I'll let her tell you about it.
Okay, quick story. On this first day they only have class for one hour. That's so the kids can get accustomed to things. So, on preview day we had to sign up for either the 9:00 am or 10:15 am. It wasn't until I was about the pick her up after the 9:00 am class that I realized I had signed her up for the 10:15 on this day!! (From now on she'll go 9:00-11:30.) Fortunately, the teacher said it didn't matter.
And, in my rush to get out the door, I completely forgot my purse! Couldn't pay the preschool and, perhaps more important, didn't have a dime to treat Allyson to ice cream after her first day of school. Fortunately, I had her summer reading library coupon card which had a free frozen yogurt. So it all worked out.
In my defense, Nicole had woke up twice in the middle of the night not feeling well so I hadn't had much sleep. That morning she was back and forth whether she was well enough for school so I ended up taking her later than usual, putting me behind getting Ally to school. This two-kid commute thing is going to be interesting! (BTW, Nicole was fine and hasn't felt sick since.)
Okay, so watch this kid strutting in to get some ice cream!