Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Swimming at Jeff and Gina's

Here's another unfinished post from - gasp - July, 20, 2010. So, what happens is I start them, mean to get back to them and don't. And they sit in my "unpublished" folder for, um, years. I obviously have NO idea what else I was going to add to this little post. So, here's a blast from the past. With more to come... Oh, and this is baby Allyson as Mallory wasn't even a thought yet!

We spent the majority of our trip swimming at Frank and Dusty's or Jeff and Gina's pool. (Unfortunately I didn't have a camera at Frank and Dusty's!) Allyson definitely had no fear and would not hesitate to jump in
the deep end. So we had to watch her very closely!

Nicole was so excited to actually swim on her own for the first time! The video shows Allyson jumping on the trampoline while Nicole and Grandma practice swimming.

Soccer Star

From April, 2011

Tonight Nicole and I started an eight-week parent-child soccer program. Unfortunately, this is the first time the "parent" option has been offered and, for whatever reason, it's not proving to be too popular. There was only one other mom on the field with me! (There were plenty of lazy parents sitting on the bleachers.)

After doing several exercises with our girls, the other mom, Tracey, and I realized we weren't really going to be able to participate much. It was abundantly clear when the kids were told to choose partners and, instead of picking their moms, our girls picked each other! So, Tracey and I joined the lazy parents. We were a little bummed by not really being able to participate but were really glad to have been able to meet one another. Nicole and I are both looking forward to seeing our new friends next week!

So, then ...
"So then," is where I left off writing this post. And we will never know what happened. Because I can't remember!

Crazy Hair Day - 2010

From 9/11/2010 - It was obviously crazy hair day!! I think this one was at church.

Bad Driver

From 9/29/09... 

Earlier this year Nicole decided to take her little sister for a joy ride. But it's obvious Nicole was the only one finding any joy. Looking at this I can't believe I didn't stop it! Will definitely be showing future driver's ed teachers. Video might not work... 

Visit to California - private jet style!

This is from 2009, I believe ... 

Nicole, Allyson, and Mom had a very unexpected trip to California when Uncle Jeff had a charter flight to Springfield. The people chartering the plane are close friends of his and let us ride along back to Bakersfield for a visit. We had a great time visiting family there and made a quick trip to Fresno to see Britt's side of the family. Saw cousin Chase (who is HUGE!) play football, and got to love on baby Morgan. Before leaving we had an early 1st birthday party for Morgan and Allyson.

Obviously I have some missing pictures! Will try to update this post later...

Discovery Center

From December, 2012... 

We received a note the other day that Nicole's artwork was chosen as part of a small group from the school to be displayed at the Discovery Center Science Museum downtown. I took the girls the other day so we could see the picture and have some fun at the museum as it's been a long time since we've visited. (Dad was working but was able to stop by to see her picture.)

We were a little surprised. As I looked over the pictures I couldn't immediately pick out which was Nicole's. I was drawn toward paintings with lots of blue as that is her favorite color. I was thinking it would look something like this: 

But she went with a "haunted" picture. You can only imagine the look on Britt's and my face when we saw the tombstone and she explained that the red roof was blood, the laughing was the witch and the black dots on the door were spiders. We must say it was definitely the most creative, unique, (and scary) of all the artwork!

When we asked what the number was in the corner, we had to laugh. Her friend, Kylie, wanted to write her phone number. Not sure if her mom is thrilled to have it on display downtown! 

Friday, September 5, 2014


I love waterskiing. At least, that's what I remember. It's been over 20 years since I've done it. And every year I talk about it. Well, we finally planned a date to go with our neighbors who own a boat! Would you believe just hours before we were to leave Nicole came down with a high fever? Agh!! We had to cancel the day!

A few weeks later we rescheduled. It was a very hot day so we waited until the evening. This was the first try and I got up right away! Of course, we hit a boat's pretty strong wake not long after and it took me down pretty quick. You can hear Britt laughing and Nicole screaming when she sees her mom is falling. LOL!

This is my second time up. Shortly after the video I just had to stop skiing. I was disappointed that I was exhausted after about just ten minutes of skiing! Oh well. It was worth it and I hope to go again before the decade is over!

Somehow I never realized Britt had never been waterskiing before. So we let him give it a try. For some reason he had a really hard time getting the skis on. In fact, our neighbor, Rick, ended up jumping in the water to go help him out! This is his first try. :)

He tried one more time but his ski fell off and, because it was getting late, he decided to go tubing with the girls. Allyson decided she was too scared so it was just Daddy and Nicole. Listen to her laughing!

Here Rick starts having some fun with them.

It was getting dark and I wanted Allyson to give it a try. I convinced her to get on the tube with me.... and Mallory! Yes, Mallory. We took the boat super slow, more cruising than tubing. But, as you can see at the end of the video, Allyson wasn't having it and I told them to stop. She's been tubing before and loved it. Today the bravery just wasn't there. Mallory seemed fine with it. She still trusts me. LOL

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Allyson loses a tooth

Sweet Allyson lost a tooth this afternoon. She's been very anxious about it hurting. But she was very brave and let Mommy pull it. (It was practically falling out.)
She was so excited getting ready for the tooth fairy. Nicole wanted to leave a note on Allyson's behalf. 
They told me they left the Tooth Fairy some money because "she works so hard." How precious is that?! Such good hearts!!

As I went to kiss them good night Nicole began asking some questions. She said she believes in the Tooth Fairy but was obviously having some doubts. (It's kind of sad to see happening in her heart. I love the pure trust and joy of unquestioned faith.) She asked, "What if I'm a mom one day and I believe and the Tooth Fairy doesn't come?"
Allyson is laying right next to her as she talked. 
I told Nicole if the Tooth Fairy didn't come for Allyson I would give Allyson some money. 
Nicole is growing up. But not too fast. And for that I am thankful.