Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kids Across America Camp Day 2

(This was a long day and, therefore, this is a long post... just a little warning.)

We started off our second day with breakfast. Meet Stephen Imes. He is one of the most unique people we've met. A man who has walked around the world, owned television stations and newspapers, started his own water bottling company and has become a master gardner... and that's just to start. He and his daughter stayed in the room next to us. Britt and I stayed up until 1:00 a.m. talking to him. While he donates finances to camp he also comes for two weeks every year to do chainsaw work. He was great with the kids, too.

After breakfast we relaxed for a while on the chairs and hammock. 

There is a small playground near the lodge and the girls LOVED this swing built high into the trees because it goes VERY high. We are already planning where we can build one.

Then we went to the younger kids' camp and had just a few minutes to swim in the pool. Unfortunately we didn't get to jump on this really cool contraption in the deep end. We did get to go down this crazy water slide, though. Even Allyson rode on Mommy's lap down the slide. The staff said she was old enough but she, once again, wasn't very happy about going underwater. Poor thing.

She didn't even like this teeter totter near the pool. 

Nicole loved the slide!

After swimming we had the opportunity to do a treetops course. Britt's shoulder was bothering him from a poor dive attempt in the pool the night before. So I went with Hailey, one of the camp staffers. We had so much fun! 

About to go up!

Here you had to have your hands on your partner's shoulders

This was the worst one... arms were dying by the end!

No matter how bad our arms hurt, the very next portion was to "pull" each other across an expanse. One sat in a swing while the other used their arms to pull them across. Brutal.

Discussing "The Screamer" (See video)

This is an edited version of all the video Britt took. (It's a little over 4 minutes long.) He didn't go on the ropes course because he "hurt his shoulder" diving in the pool the night before. (How convenient, right?) Notice how much he enjoys my predicament up in the treetops. Allyson is my little cheerleader, though. The last part, "The Screamer" was terrifying. But the entire experience was awesome and Hailey and I became good friends through it. So fun. In a way. Kind of. After it's over, it's fun. Lol.

After we (or I) were done "screaming," we found out that, right before us, a girl from the camp did the screamer. She had been waiting at the top for about five hours!! She was so scared. But part of what the camp tries to teach these kids is "trial by choice" or something like that. In other words, you don't have to go on the course, but if you make the commitment you see it through. They also try to instill teamwork in kids that often don't trust people. (That's why there are portions where you're holding onto your teammate, counting on them to pull you across, etc.) The leader said he was just about to give up and go get her when she did it. Not only will she remember the experience forever, it will quite possibly be a life-changing event for her. Pretty amazing.

We Made It!!

After the treetops course, we joined some others for a trip to Pizza Hut on the Lake. Johnny Morris, who owns Bass Pro Shops, donates brand new boats to the camp every year. We took one of the pontoons to get to dinner. 

But not without injury. Nicole fell on the way to the dock. Mr. Eric patched her up. Mr. Eric is one of the funniest people we've ever had the pleasure to hang around. He kept us laughing the entire time we were there.

Then we got comfortable...

Love this boat. Love this life.

Love this girl!!

Mr. Eric let the girls drive!! (He obviously has never seen Allyson's faux pas driving a boat.) He did get a little tired of them blowing the horn, though. :)

We arrive at the Pizza Hut Dock. 

Here we are, eating with the head honchos of this camp. I'm trying to have a "somewhat" professional conversation when John, the person who invited us, points at Allyson next to me. Yes, my daughter is licking the ranch dressing off her plate. From this moment on I completely gave up all airs of professionalism.

Back at the dock the girls got to feed leftover pizza crust to the fish.

Our ride home. Wow.

If you can see the building in the trees, that's where we stayed.

Seriously, our day is still not over! That night (mid-week through camp) the kids go to a service called "Cross-talk" where the crucifixion is re-enacted in a way that is relevant and applicable to their lives. Everything that day is rather silent in order to set the tone for the evening. As we walked to the area there were flames lighting our way.

An artist painted this as people were talking/re-enacting.

These are all of the kids who made the decision to become a Christian. It was pretty amazing when you think about where they come from, what some of their experiences in church might have been, etc. 

Our ride from the "Cross-talk" didn't show up so we were invited to ride one of the camp buses to where we were staying. That was fun to get to be with the campers for a little while. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Kids Across America Camp Day 1

This is a strange but pretty awesome story. I have been freelance writing for 417 Magazine. I recently wrote a story about College of the Ozarks reopening a high school, School of the Ozarks. I had asked for a parent to interview who is sending their child to the new high school (we pray Nicole and Allyson can go to this school!!). Anyway, I called the person whose name I'd been given. Turns out he helps run Kids Across America, the largest camp for inner city kids in the country. It's an amazing ministry and, in the course of our conversation, he invited us to come down for a few days. Britt just happened to have the next three days off, so we literally were there the next night. I had no idea this place existed right near Branson. It was such an incredible experience in every way.

This was the sign on our door when we arrived.

Our room. This sure beats tent camping!!

Next door was a room with games, magazines, couches, a table and a Keurig! Yep, definitely beats tent camping.

View from the deck outside our room
Hammock and chairs outside of the lodge where we stayed
View from outside our window. 

There were bench swings and rocking chairs on a deck to enjoy the view.

We arrived in time for lunch. The girls immediately took to some of the camp staff who also loved having some little kids around to play with.

This is an inner city kids camp so things were a lot different. The cafeteria was loud with lots of chants we didn't know and the music was rap. Still, it was fun to watch the kids having fun. 

After the meal they had a "dance contest." Let's just say this white family would have lost. Bad. (Although I think Aunt Angela and Aunt Dusty might have had a sporting chance. Lol.)

Allyson enjoyed doing a little "KP"

We were then given a tour of the three different camps going on simultaneously. This petting zoo is located at the youngest camp for ages 9-11.

The girls enjoyed feeding the animals. 

This is Yakov, an obvious favorite! 


After dinner that evening we enjoyed a pool all to ourselves. Allyson insisted on jumping off the diving board for the first time! Obviously, she was wearing a life jacket and we were standing there to catch her. (But she still didn't like going under water.) But Nicole loved it!

A couple of worn out girls after a long, great day.