Friday, June 8, 2012

Kids Across America Camp Day 1

This is a strange but pretty awesome story. I have been freelance writing for 417 Magazine. I recently wrote a story about College of the Ozarks reopening a high school, School of the Ozarks. I had asked for a parent to interview who is sending their child to the new high school (we pray Nicole and Allyson can go to this school!!). Anyway, I called the person whose name I'd been given. Turns out he helps run Kids Across America, the largest camp for inner city kids in the country. It's an amazing ministry and, in the course of our conversation, he invited us to come down for a few days. Britt just happened to have the next three days off, so we literally were there the next night. I had no idea this place existed right near Branson. It was such an incredible experience in every way.

This was the sign on our door when we arrived.

Our room. This sure beats tent camping!!

Next door was a room with games, magazines, couches, a table and a Keurig! Yep, definitely beats tent camping.

View from the deck outside our room
Hammock and chairs outside of the lodge where we stayed
View from outside our window. 

There were bench swings and rocking chairs on a deck to enjoy the view.

We arrived in time for lunch. The girls immediately took to some of the camp staff who also loved having some little kids around to play with.

This is an inner city kids camp so things were a lot different. The cafeteria was loud with lots of chants we didn't know and the music was rap. Still, it was fun to watch the kids having fun. 

After the meal they had a "dance contest." Let's just say this white family would have lost. Bad. (Although I think Aunt Angela and Aunt Dusty might have had a sporting chance. Lol.)

Allyson enjoyed doing a little "KP"

We were then given a tour of the three different camps going on simultaneously. This petting zoo is located at the youngest camp for ages 9-11.

The girls enjoyed feeding the animals. 

This is Yakov, an obvious favorite! 


After dinner that evening we enjoyed a pool all to ourselves. Allyson insisted on jumping off the diving board for the first time! Obviously, she was wearing a life jacket and we were standing there to catch her. (But she still didn't like going under water.) But Nicole loved it!

A couple of worn out girls after a long, great day.


  1. I was hooked as soon as you wrote "rap music". You better believe my sister and I would have given them a run for their money:)
    I can't believe how big Nicole's feet are in the last picture. They look huge!

  2. More like, Dusty and I would have shown them how it's done...

    No seriously, I want to go to this place! I miss you guys! I wish our girls could grow up together but I understand at the same time!!
