Thursday, October 25, 2012

Parent Magazine!

Fed-Ex just arrived today with a $50 Gymboree gift card.

Last month I was reading Parent's magazine. I was laughing at some of the things in their "blooper" section and noticed where we could submit our own "bloopers." Well, that was a no-brainer. My kids are constantly coming up with the funniest stuff.

I decided to go through my Facebook posts where I usually post their latest quip. The hard part was choosing what to submit!  I finally decided I would submit my favorites and let them decide.  

Here is the email I sent (you can see why it was hard to choose!):


I hope it's okay for me to submit several. I have friends subscribe to my Facebook posts just to see what my kids are saying. So I just picked out a few favorites. Hope you can use something. Thank you!
Mom's Name: Julie Davis
Springfield, MO
Phone: 417-536-1952

Allyson, 3

  • Waiting her turn for a haircut, my 3-year-old daughter began watching a stylist shampooing another customer's hair. This was her first time in an adult salon (in the kids salon they don't shampoo hair). After watching for a few minutes, she matter-of-factly asked, "Do you wash bodies, too?"
  • We were waiting for a waiter to clear off a table. When he began taking the half-empty beer bottles, my 3-year-old daughter Allyson exclaimed, "Don't take those!"
  • A woman asked my 3-year-old daughter if she goes to school yet. She replied, "No, I go to parties."
  • My 3-year-old, Allyson was in a restaurant bathroom, singing at the top of her lungs. The restaurant was small so everyone in the dining room could hear. After quieting her down I said, "I love you." she responds, "I know. I do too."
  • Our girls, 7 and 3, went outside in their play clothes to check on the pool Daddy just filled up. They were not supposed to get wet. When they came inside my husband asked our 3-year-old, "Allyson, are you all wet?" Her reply: "No, my clothes are!"
  • On the way home from camping in Branson, we were listening to the Rascal Flats song "I Won't Let Go." When it was over, our 3-year-old daughter said, "That was really pretty." There was slight pause. Then she added, "It was really deep."
  • Me to my 3-year-old daughter, Allyson: "Look at the beautiful sky." Allyson: "Where Mommy, where?" 
Nicole, 7
  • We were saying bedtime prayers when I asked my daughter if there was something really difficult she needed God's help with. She answered, "To stop sneaking candy when mom isn't looking."
  • I was telling my 7-year-old daughter about the time I lived overseas for a year. It was 1993. Incredulous she asked, "Wow! You lived in the old days?"
  • My 7-year-old daughter, Nicole entered a drawing at church for a Wii. Before she left for class she said, "It's okay if I don't win. I'll just ask Santa for one." She didn't win.
  • My husband and 7-year-old daughter were wrestling. My daughter got hurt and was crying. I Jokingly asked if she needed me to beat up Daddy. She responded, "No, I can do it myself."
  • In car playing "I Spy" with my 7-year-old daughter, Nicole, and three of her friends. My husband, who is bald, was driving. I started the game with, "I see something tall and round." The girls guess my husband's head! 

Anyway, make sure to pick up the January issue of Parent Magazine and find Nicole's prayer request featured in the Blooper section. 

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