Friday, October 18, 2013

Tinkerbell geocache gone wrong

A couple of years ago I learned about geocaching and I thought it would be fun to do with the girls... like a real treasure hunt. Well, I tried once and got Nicole's hopes up. When we couldn't find it I gave up and never thought about it much until recently.

I found a geocaching app and, one day, as we walked on the trail, we FOUND a geocache! Granted, it was soggy and wet, but we found one! We were all so excited! We logged our find and the owners (people who did the hiding) sent me a note apologizing that it was wet. (There were supposed to be little toys inside for the kids.) They told us about a Tinkerbell geocache they had recently hidden and even offered to meet and show us where it was hidden. (Yes, I realize this could be some crazy loon so I had Britt go... with his gun.)

The couple ended up being just what I expected. Super sweet grandparents who happen to love geocaching. And, they showed us where this one was located. They warned us it was up a hill. But I don't think they realized the terrain was tough for a family. (They've since upgraded the difficulty level.) This was a geocache gone wrong. Fortunately, no one was harmed in the capturing of this Tinkerbell.

We had to go at night because "Tinkerbell's house" glowed! (These people were so nice. The accent is definitely native Ozark. LOL) All Allyson cared about was getting her hands on a flashlight!

Somewhere during this time I handed Mallory to Britt.

Scary, scary moment!! Britt slipped and fell while holding Mallory. Thank God she was fine. Britt was black and blue for quite a while. But he kept the baby safe!

Here the couple gives the girls their Tinkerbell treasure. And they explain some of the geocache basics for us. We haven't gone on another "adventure" since. We're waiting for the bruises on Britt's backside to heal. (He says this is why he calls me "Lucy" of the "I Love Lucy" show. He thinks I get into "situations" like she does. Huh? Where does he get an idea like that?)

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