Monday, June 2, 2014

Allyson graduates preschool!

Sweet Allyson promoted at church from the preschool department. They held a graduation ceremony that was beyond adorable. See for yourself.

A picture of Allyson being shown on slideshow prior to ceremony

This was a picture on the slideshow of Allyson and me racing down the slides in play land. I took a bunch of pictures inside this play land but they were lost when I got a new phone. This is simply the coolest play structure ever. I was so bummed to find out she doesn't go to play land now that she's in kindergarten. I love getting to be a kid and race around the slides and in the ball pit, etc. There's one corkscrew slide that's so steep… honestly, it's so fun!

Waving at Mommy and Daddy

And… Ta Da! The big performance. I have to say, she's been singing these songs for a long time. And she talks about the lessons. I'm so grateful for the teachers and programs and all that she's learning. I can see it in her little life already. I put a bunch of snippets together so it's a bit choppy and, evidently, the final "applause" video didn't make it… but you still get the idea. I love, love, love my little girl's enthusiasm for life!!! (Make sure to enlarge the video… bottom right corner.)

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