Thursday, May 17, 2012

Brussel Sprouts

Tonight Nicole, Allyson and I had brussel sprouts for the first time.  I honestly didn't even know what brussel sprouts looked like. They're just cute little baby cabbages. I like cabbage. So, they can't be all bad, right?

Given their reputation, I've never had a desire to try them. But we need some new green vegetables in our lives. Broccoli, string beans, salad and sugar snap peas are getting to be a little too regular.

So... I found this highly rated yet simple recipe for roasting brussel sprouts in a little olive oil, salt and lemon pepper seasoning. I was so optimistic - until I started smelling them. But, cabbage doesn't smell good and I like cabbage, so... still hopeful we bring them to the table. (There were some black spots from being roasted as Nicole points out in this video. They were not actually burned, though.)

Here's Allyson's opinion:

Nicole decided she doesn't like them either (except for the black spots, lol). I definitely don't like them. And Britt actually hates them more than canned green beans and cucumbers. Wow. Thankfully our friend who stopped by for dinner (unexpectedly or I wouldn't have served leftover meatloaf and brussel sprouts) polished them off for us. I think we'll give him the rest of the bag. Ew. Brussel sprouts. They have earned every bit of their reputation. (Although I would still eat them before raisins and canned peas.)


  1. I LOVE brussel sprouts!! We steam ours!! YUMMY!! :)

  2. The video was very cute. I concur with Britt. They're "yucky"!

  3. I am not a fan either, but when I cook them, a generous amount of nutmeg makes them better. By the way...I was absolutely impressed with you requiring that they eat what you served. That is such a lost concept.

  4. The only brussel sprouts I like are the ones my mother-in-law makes. I don't know how she cooks them or what she pours on top, but they're delicious.
    What about adding edamame to your routine? It's the one green vegetable that Frank, Chase and I agree on.

  5. This was so sad! That poor baby gave such good effort! Morgan wouldn't have even attempted it let alone actually swallowed them! Quit abusing that child! :)
