Monday, June 2, 2014

Allyson graduates preschool!

Sweet Allyson promoted at church from the preschool department. They held a graduation ceremony that was beyond adorable. See for yourself.

A picture of Allyson being shown on slideshow prior to ceremony

This was a picture on the slideshow of Allyson and me racing down the slides in play land. I took a bunch of pictures inside this play land but they were lost when I got a new phone. This is simply the coolest play structure ever. I was so bummed to find out she doesn't go to play land now that she's in kindergarten. I love getting to be a kid and race around the slides and in the ball pit, etc. There's one corkscrew slide that's so steep… honestly, it's so fun!

Waving at Mommy and Daddy

And… Ta Da! The big performance. I have to say, she's been singing these songs for a long time. And she talks about the lessons. I'm so grateful for the teachers and programs and all that she's learning. I can see it in her little life already. I put a bunch of snippets together so it's a bit choppy and, evidently, the final "applause" video didn't make it… but you still get the idea. I love, love, love my little girl's enthusiasm for life!!! (Make sure to enlarge the video… bottom right corner.)

Convoy of Hope

Our church life group took an evening to volunteer a Convoy of Hope, an amazing A/G ministry that was started by two brothers. It feeds people in the U.S. and overseas when disaster strikes. The headquarters is here in Springfield and I've been meaning to volunteer with the kids but finally had the opportunity. Britt, unfortunately, had to work late this night. So Mallory stayed with a sitter and the big girls got to work.

Our job was to fill pasta bags. 

Nicole loved running the tape machine.

Other friends from the group and their kids.

This would have been a perfect evening except I started not feeling well. Ended up tossing my cookies at Convoy of Hope. And… we had to leave. Almost made it to the end! We will definitely go back. It was a great experience. (Mostly.)

Dr. Sponenberg and Bailey

I took Mallory to the doctor the other day to check her ears before we fly out to California for a visit. (Her nose has been runny… but it's just a cold.) Allyson took Bailey, the infamous striped tiger that was given to us at the Kirby Van Burch show while I was writing my book on Branson. It's probably the most loved toy we own. Allyson has pretty much adopted her and claims she's not a tiger but a striped dog. Anyway, Bailey was "throwing up" and our sweet pediatrician was kind enough to examine her.

A couple of weeks ago I took Mallory to Urgent Care and had to mention Bailey to them so that I could bring home medicine (a tongue depressor and band-aid.) LOL

Allyson's fashion sense!

Look who dressed herself today!

Mallory and the doll stroller

Mallory was just determined to get in the doll stroller the other day. I just had to videotape the effort.

She did make it, by the way!