Sunday, November 20, 2011

The taking of the annual Christmas portrait

Normally I schedule professional portraits once a year. Our recent sessions have been spring and fall. My plan was to have a Christmas photo shoot this year but, I decided to postpone it so Allyson's scar on her head (see post titled 911) can have a little more time to heal.

But, while trying to do Christmas cards this year I realized I have nothing recent of the entire family. Fortunately, my dad was in town visiting while we were decorating our tree and I thought it would be a good idea to have him just snap a "quick picture." Oh. my. gosh. Photographers earn whatever they charge and more. This was excruciating.

Rather than post the one picture that turned out decent in an effort to make it all look so sweet and perfect, I am going to publish them all, in full disclosure. The good, bad, and ugly. Hopefully it will bring a little laughter and a reminder that, hey, none of us are perfect no matter how it looks on our Christmas cards!


  1. Hey! There are some good ones in there!

  2. I saw one in the middle I would have used! :)

    I understand about the trying to get a quick picture thing- I am always disappointed how those turn out! I still haven't taken one for Christmas cards, so for the second year ever I may not send cards out! We'll see....
