Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Daddy Daughter Dance (Updated with more pics)

I realized I published this post before adding a bunch of pictures from the dance. They are below.

Our city put on a Daddy-Daughter dance recently and Britt took the girls. Of course, with Allyson's recent obsession with Cinderella we had to do this right!

The invitation

Notice the fancy writing

There's going to be a ball!
It says: "Your Presence is Requested by Prince Daddy at the Daddy-Daughter Ball Friday, February 17, 2012 6:00 p.m." The girls were SO excited! Here he is presenting the invitation at bedtime. (The girls like to sleep together whenever they can.) 

 On the night of the "ball" Daddy brought them corsages. 

Allyson was SO excited to wear her blue dress!

There was a photographer there and the girls were able to decorate their own frames.

And... the dancing. Britt said he did more watching the girls run around than actually dance with them. 

I don't know what the deal is with Nicole putting her hands up like this. She wants to do it for every stinking picture. Argh!

The came home with their framed pictures, flowers and balloons. Here are the pics without the frames.

And with the frames.


  1. What a cute idea! I love how Allyson was so concerned about what she was going to wear. A woman after my own heart!

  2. This is so stinking cute! The girls looked adorable! Both their looks were perfect for them. Britt is such a good daddy!
