Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Random pre-Christmas events

I'm finally sitting down to post the million + pics and videos I have of Christmas. I will try to break it up into a few different posts so no one's eyes glaze over. 

Well, as we may have mentioned in about every post..especially ones in the fall... we have a few trees on our property. And more than a few squirrels. This year I think we may "strongly dislike" (trying not the say the "H" world) these little guys more than ever.

We got a head start not the Christmas lights - Britt actually put them up Thanksgiving evening. Poor guy. When there was a strand out, I sent him to Wal Mart ... forgetting that Black Friday started on Thanksgiving this year. When he called me from the produce area to say he was in line I said forget it and he came home!

Still, he got the lights up and they were so beautiful. For about a day. That's when our rodent population decided they like to chew on wires. So, nearly every day, a strand was out. Of course, we couldn't afford to keep replacing them. So Britt figured a way to "fix" them. I'm scared to ask too many questions. He promises we won't have a fire. But, anyway, much of the Christmas season you could find Britt right here... on top of the roof. Probably saying the "H" word. (And possibly some other ones.)

Other pre-holiday activities included plenty of school Christmas parties. I'll post more on those later. But here was a gift I made for Nicole's teacher... an idea from Pinterest. I was happy with it as I don't consider myself a very crafty person. 

We also had a very light dusting of snow a few days before Christmas. Allyson got herself all dressed to go out (Nicole was still in school.) She got her jacket, gloves, hat, oh and fancy shoes! Hey, they match her hat and gloves so I was proud. Notice she's still wearing her pi's, too. 

It was so cold out there and as I watch out the window, here she is just eating snow and having a great time.

Here's Allyson on another day... just kicking back and enjoying the season.

And Christmas shopping. It's the only time of year we have Sees candy available to us (until this year when we get a store... yeah!). I always make a stop at their booth and get the kids a free sucker. And this is what always happens. No, I didn't have any wipes or napkins with me.

One day the girls got into some cotton balls and decided to make Santa beards. 

And this is the Sunday before Christmas... they had a manger scene set up in the atrium.

Allyson loved the goat!

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