Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our dog

Allyson loves (this cannot be overstated) dogs. Anytime she sees one, from a poodle to a Rottweiler, she wants to pet it. 
But she has taken it to a whole new level. The death of our dog, Marrie (who had lived with my parents since before she was born) 

and my mothers gift of a Lady and the Tramp DVD has been much of the reason. 
Allyson pretends to be a dog. A lot. She is often on all fours, barking, howling and bringing us a ball in her mouth. (Yes. We throw it for her.)
Today she made herself a giant dog bed in the living room and asked for a doggie snack. 

Here she is eating popcorn out of a bowl... Like a dog. 

When daddy left for works she whined at the window. 

She plays dog at school and church and recruits friends to be other dogs or caretakers. 

I know what you're thinking. We should get a dog. And we probably will. But we have a guinea pig and a baby. So we will wait a little longer. But it is inevitable, I'm sure. 

Until then, this is one cute pooch. 

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