Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nicole Loses Her First Tooth!

The other day Nicole was complaining of a loose tooth. It seemed too early to actually lose a tooth. Doesn't that happen when you're six or seven? But she was pretty upset about it and afraid when I explained to her that baby teeth will all eventually come out. Several days later I let her have an apple for a snack (not even thinking about her tooth). That really made it loose. But Nicole didn't seem upset about it. The next day at school it came out with no pain (yeah!). Unfortunately, she lost the tooth in the school hallway. But we read about the tooth fairy that night and hid a note in her tooth fairy pillow. Sure enough, there was a dollar there the next morning. Nicole's pretty excited about the whole thing now and losing teeth doesn't seem to bother her one bit anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Catch me if you can....

    Signed - The Tooth Fairy


    Free with code: Fairy-Proof
