Sunday, October 9, 2011

Caramel Apples

Fall is definitely here. I love fall. Except for the falling leaves. We're about to be buried alive in them. But at least the leaves cover up the dirt in our back yard! Hey, trying to look on the bright side.

Anyway, it's time to do all those apple crafts, apple cooking, apple bobbing, etc. Tonight we made caramel apples. Don't be too impressed. I just bought the caramel that comes in sheets and you wrap around an apple. The girls still managed to get their faces extremely messy but my kitchen wasn't so I'm happy.

Nicole had a hard time eating it with one of her front teeth missing and the other on its way out any day now. Eventually I just had to cut her apple in slices. They were good and left 

1 comment:

  1. After seeing this on facebook (I think that's where I saw it) I had to get some apples and caramel at the store today. Thanks for the idea! It looks fun and yummy!
