Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fishing for a Front Tooth

Yesterday was all Papa Davis' fault. Well, sort of. While visiting in August he showed us videos of kids pulling their teeth out via motorcycle, rocket, and all kinds of crazy things. That is the only explanation I can give for Nicole's crazy idea. I have no explanation for why I went along with it.

She was already down one front tooth. The second has been on its way out for a while now but when I picked her up from school it was obvious this was going to be the day. 

After a few good yanks she suddenly asked me to pull her tooth out with a fishing pole. As loose as it was I thought surely it would come out with just a little tug. But it turned out to be quite an ordeal, all of which I captured on video in case CPS ever gets wind of what I've done. The video is a little longer as it shows the entire process from idea to preparation to the actual pulling of the tooth. 
(Facebook readers click on "show original post" to watch video.)

Ta Da! It's finally out!
Nicole's new smile!

We celebrated with a bike ride to the park and some play time. 
(She actually crashed into a sign at the park which, I'm sure, would have saved us all this trouble and knocked that tooth out.)

This morning I think made all of the effort worthwhile for everyone. Thanks, Tooth Fairy!

(Pretend you don't see the laundry that needs to be put away.)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm impressed. Good job Julie! That was too traumatic for me. When Morgan starts loosing her teeth, I'm sending her your way.
