Thursday, May 30, 2013

We're Having a Baby... Today!!

This is the long story of Mallory's short birth. I wrote all of the details I remember for Mallory to read when she's older. 

The morning of Saturday, April 6th I planned to sleep in a bit and get a few things done around the house in preparation for my brother and sister-in-law's arrival later. They were going to stay the night with us before going to a conference in Branson starting the next day.  Then, I would go to my book signing at 1:00 p.m.

Instead, I woke up around 8:00 a.m. to go to the bathroom (pretty common by this point in my pregnancy). For the third time since Monday, I found myself wondering if my water had broke or... if I had just wet my pants. (Any honest pregnant woman will tell you... it happens!) This time it happened as I was walking out of the bathroom... "Oh my gosh," I thought, as fluid hit the bathroom floor. Not a lot but more than "normal."

I began googling and came across this page. After reading the information I decided to wait and see if contractions began. I knew not to waste time as my babies come quickly. But I also knew I'd experienced something similar twice that week and hadn't gone into labor. If I went to the ER I could potentially have to cancel my book signing (for a second time; the first one I had to cancel as the books didn't arrive on time). And, Jeff & Gina were coming to town and I wanted to have things ready.

Allyson came and snuggled with me around 8:30. After a while we got up and started the day by posting this maternity picture that was taken the night before on Facebook.

 I told Britt what had happened and that it was possible the baby could come today. He said he was going to go get the car washed. I suddenly felt nervous about him going... even though the car wash was just down the street. I asked him to keep his phone close. The girls asked to get in the tub. I wasn't even sure I wanted them to do this... but I said yes. (Although I knew not to get in the tub after my labor experience with Allyson!) 

By now it was around 10:00. I called our neighbor, Renee Hunt, who also happens to work at Barnes & Noble and had scheduled the book signing. I told her what was happening and how upset I was that I might have to cancel a second time.  I got a hold of my friend Sarah... she was going to watch the kids. I told her I wasn't sure at this point but to be ready to get the girls.  We hung up and, I began picking up around the house. Then I had a contraction. 

Sometime during all of this I had seen a tiny, tiny bit of blood which made me know I was definitely going to have a baby today.  Now I had to get serious about getting to the hospital!

I told the girls the baby was probably coming out of my tummy today and they needed to get out of the tub and get dressed. Soon the contractions started getting intense. At 10:25 Sarah sent me a text:

Sarah: Do you want me to come over?
Me (in too much pain to say much more): Yes!!
Sarah: Ok. I'll leave here in 10 minutes. Why don't the girls come back with me for a while anyway, no matter what happens?
Me (knowing this was the real thing but unable to type that much): Yes!

At 10:31 - I texted Britt, "Come home."

By now I wasn't sure Sarah was going to get here in time. I called Renee to see if her daughter, Sydney, could come down to watch the girls until Sarah arrived. She said Sydney was just finishing breakfast and could be here within 20 minutes. I told her I didn't have that much time. She could hear me, breathless, and said she was headed my way. (She had been on her way to work to get my book signing set up!)

I heard Britt walk in and started calling for him. These contractions were starting to hurt! It was about this point that I realized this was going to be another crazy-fast birth. And I had a choice. I could panic again or I could accept what was happening and deal with it. I decided to deal with it and started whatever Lamaze breathing I could remember. (Weeks earlier Britt had asked about Lamaze classes. I hadn't really felt it was necessary but asked my OB. She laughed and said, "You don't need Lamaze. Your uterus will do all the work for you. I just worry about you getting to the hospital in time." How prophetic.)

Britt began helping me downstairs and, about halfway down, I stopped and said, "I can't do this again." He asked if I wanted to call 911. (I'd always said if I had Allyson's birth to do over I would have either stayed in the tub or called an ambulance.) I hesitated. Did I really want sirens in the neighborhood and everything? After about five seconds, I said, "That's what insurance is for." And Britt said to go in the living room while he called 911. I felt relieved that I didn't have to try to ride in the car, try to get up to labor and delivery,  then go through triage as I was moments away from delivery.

The 911 dispatcher kept telling Britt to have me lay down on the floor. There was absolutely no way. I tried. But I was much more comfortable on my knees... I was ready to have this baby! In fact, at one point, I asked Britt if I should just go get in the tub. (He had brought home some books on how to deliver a baby at home. I had borrowed them from a midwife I interviewed a couple of weeks earlier who just opened a new practice. She offered to be a backup for me in an emergency but, unfortunately, she was out of town.)

The dispatcher commented about how calm Britt was. The paramedics and our friends, Sarah and Renee were arriving. It was pretty embarrassing as I had my pants off by this time! They peeked in the living room and I just said, "Hi. I'm naked." Sarah came in at one point and tried to rub my back and I told her not to touch me. I knew it was so rude but I just couldn't handle being touched. She went to take care of the girls and make sure they didn't go into the living room. Renee was helping with the kids, too. (I found out later that Renee's husband was on the street directing the ambulance to our house.)

The paramedics came in with a stretcher and a bottle of oxygen. I told them I needed an epidural, not oxygen. They began asking my name and social security number. I could hardly talk and remember wondering why Britt wasn't answering their questions for me. What I didn't know was Britt was running around putting car seats in Sarah's car for her to take the girls!

Soon I was put on the stretcher. As they began to lift it down over the porch step I apologized for gaining so much weight during my pregnancy. Ha ha. As they were loading me into the ambulance I caught a glimpse of Renee and her daughter, Sydney, telling Allyson (who was sitting in Sarah's van with Nicole) that Mommy was going to be okay. Realizing my little girl was afraid, I told the paramedics to wait. I asked to see Allyson and either Sydney or Renee (I don't remember) picked her up and let her see me. I began to smile and wave, saying "It's okay, honey. Mommy's okay. The baby's coming out of mom's tummy. I'm okay..." They finished pushing the stretcher in the ambulance and, under my breath, I said to the paramedic, "Okay, close the door, 'cause I'm definitely not okay." "I know," he replied, and shut the door.

Somewhere along the line, an ambulance supervisor had arrived at the house. He got on the ambulance with me. He told Britt he could ride up front or follow us. Britt decided to follow us since he couldn't be with me and, if he rode in the ambulance, we'd be without transportation at the hospital. We were both glad to see the supervisor since it was rather obvious one of the paramedics... a female... was new or uncomfortable or both.  This guy knew what he was doing and immediately took charge. He told the driver we'd be going lights and sirens through the intersections.

The supervisor checked me every now and reassured me there was no head visible. They began timing my contractions. The driver was told they were 4 minutes apart but I thought they were closer.. as if there were possibly more happening that I couldn't even tell them. In fact, I pushed during my contractions (but didn't tell him I was.) He also told me not to worry... that there was a team of people waiting for me at the hospital. In-between contractions I asked if an anesthesiologist was part of that team. He said they were going to take me to the emergency room first but not to worry... he thought we would make it up to labor and delivery and an anesthesiologist. I knew he was lying to make me feel better. I told him to let me see his badge. He held it up for me and I read his name: "Mike." I joked that I wanted to know his name so I could find him later when I didn't get my epidural.

By the time we reached the hospital Britt was already there. He took a different route and beat the ambulance by about a minute. (Of course, he broke several traffic laws, too.) They began wheeling me down a long hallway. Toward the end of it I saw a man with a bow tie standing by a door. I asked if that was the anesthesiologist. They said no. And I jokingly said that was fine because I didn't trust a guy wearing a bow tie anyway. I found out much later this was the chaplain!

As I entered the emergency room I could not believe how many people were there! I would guess it was close to 20 people! I asked if we were on Oprah or something. (This goes back to my labor with Nicole... in the days when I was shy about the thought of giving birth. Not sure if I wanted anyone but Britt in the room. Well, when it came time... it was Britt, my mom, my sister-in-law and, when they asked if a student could watch, I was totally fine with it. I remember thinking they could put me on Oprah... just get this kid out of me!)

They wheeled me next to another gurney. I did not want to move. I asked if I could just give birth on the ambulance stretcher. But it was too small. I told them I couldn't move so they picked me up and moved me. The next thing I remember was a nurse in my ear telling me I was dilated to a 10 and all I needed to do was push.

I wasn't expecting to get to push that soon but I did. The problem was... this was the ER, not labor and delivery. There was no place for my feet to brace. A nurse grabbed my left leg. No one was at my right. I couldn't see but my foot had found something. Ha... Britt later told me it was the doctor's arm! I heard them ask Britt if he was Dad. When he said yes, they invited him to help. I was so happy about this as, with Allyson's birth, he was kind of pushed to the side and only able to stand and watch. He was a great help, holding my right leg and encouraging me. I remember his excited voice telling me he could see her. He says I didn't push long. I remember it felt hard to me but... it really was only about ten minutes. She was born at 11:35 am... only about an hour and a half after my contractions began.

I heard her beautiful cry. What an amazing moment! They immediately took her to the warming bed. I laid back, exhausted. My legs were shaking.

They gave her to Britt first and he showed me our beautiful baby girl.

Soon they gave her to me.

It's a moment words can't express. It felt more than love. This person I had wanted deep down ... our third child ... but wasn't sure we would ever have ... was here. In my arms. This person I had felt grow and move inside of me all of these months. I was so enjoying my pregnancy... I wasn't quite ready for it to end. But, at the same time, I was so happy to have her in my arms. To see the face we thought was so beautiful in those ultrasound pictures. The one hiding behind her hands every week as I desperately tried to get one more 3D photograph. She was every bit as beautiful as we thought.

 I thought this was simply the emergency room doctor but he was actually the labor and delivery doctor who was on call that day.  Normally my OB delivers all of her patient's babies but there was no way she could have made it there on this Saturday!

Dr. Stanczyk

The emergency room nurses were so happy to have been able to help deliver a baby. They kept telling me how great I did and how the experience had made their day. It was a good feeling to know these people didn't view this as "just another delivery." This was a special experience for them, too.
The paramedics and a few of the nurses who helped deliver Mallory

Sometime after Mallory's birth I realized I wasn't wearing my shirt anymore. I don't even remember when I put on the hospital gown. But I asked about my shirt... the one I had recently purchased and planned to wear to my book signing that day.

Yeah... they cut it off. And the brand new (and expensive) nursing bra. Why? I have no idea. I guess it's pretty standard procedure when a patient is brought into the emergency room. First time I'd worn it, too. But then, I guess, I wasn't going to be needing a maternity shirt anymore. Still, I could've returned it, lol. Oh well. Here is what was left of that shirt.

After Mallory and I were taken care of, we were sent to Labor & Delivery (I know... the labor and delivery was over!). But we had to be monitored for an hour or two before I could be given a room. Here they weighed and measured her. She was our smallest baby at 7 pounds, 4 ounces. (Nicole was 8.14 and Allyson was 7.14) Still, that was a pretty good size for being nearly a month early!

While in labor & delivery we signed "consent to treat" forms. Ha ha. This was the second time we signed these after delivering a baby!

Because Mallory was 23 days early they wanted to check her blood sugar every hour. I didn't see the need to prick her foot every hour since she was over 7 pounds! The doctor said we could do it just twice and, if there were no problems, discontinue the tests. Fortunately, she was just fine!

We were off to our room...

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