Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fishing with Papa and Nana

 Today was our last day with Nana and Papa. We had not yet done the one thing Nicole had her heart set on ... fishing with Papa! Since we'd had a nice rainstorm to cool things off and since Nicole already had her new fishing pole and tackle box from Bass Pro...

we decided to go to Rutledge Wilson Farm and go fishing. The farm is just down the road from our house and they have a nice fishing pond with a playground nearby. Nana took Allyson to the playground and the men helped Nicole and I with the fishing. That means baiting the hooks and, since this was "catch and release" only, taking the fish off the hooks and throwing them back into the water. (Yes, we're spoiled.)

Mommy caught the first fish! 

Poor thing never even got the worm!

Nicole's first fish was actually a turtle. While Daddy was stressing about how to get the thing off her hook, Nicole was just impressed with what a skilled fisherman she was... even able to catch turtles! Fortunately, the thing let himself off the hook and back into the water.

Not much later, though, Nicole started catching fish!


We caught countless smaller fish. We thought the bass and this catfish were going to be the biggest of the day.

The big catch of the day has a bit of controversy. You see, occasionally, when we were reeling in a smaller fish, a big fish was right on its tail...trying to eat the little fish! Papa spotted a huge bass and told us where we might be able to catch it. After we moved to the new spot, I asked Britt to hook one of the smaller fish on my line in hopes of catching the bass. Well, he hooked one of the smaller fish on Nicole's line and then took the pole from her! It worked like a charm! I tried to take credit for the fish because the strategy was my idea. (In all fairness, Britt "says" he thought of the idea earlier...) I know. It's his fish. Ugh.

Britt's dad says if you hold the fish like this it makes them look bigger.

It was around this time Allyson returned from the playground.

She loved the ducks. Later she decided she wanted to feed the fish. Rocks. She wanted to feed them rocks.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww.........I love the videos! Love hearing the family laughing and having a good time!
