Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of First Grade!

Nicole ... all ready for her first day of first grade!

Today was the day Nicole has been waiting for and the day Mommy has been dreading. I couldn't be happier that she loves school, loves learning, and loves spending time with her friends. I just miss having her around all day! I think we should add another month to summer. It seems too short and winter is way too long!

At "Meet the Teacher" Nicole was excited to find her friend Kielee is not only in her class but will sit at the same table as her! They were in the same kindergarten class.

This is Nicole's teacher, Mrs. Tepe. 

There are lots of computers in her classroom. Nicole really enjoys computers.  

Evidently so does Allyson. 

1 comment:

  1. First grade already?! She's adorable and her school looks great!
