Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Allyson loses a tooth

Sweet Allyson lost a tooth this afternoon. She's been very anxious about it hurting. But she was very brave and let Mommy pull it. (It was practically falling out.)
She was so excited getting ready for the tooth fairy. Nicole wanted to leave a note on Allyson's behalf. 
They told me they left the Tooth Fairy some money because "she works so hard." How precious is that?! Such good hearts!!

As I went to kiss them good night Nicole began asking some questions. She said she believes in the Tooth Fairy but was obviously having some doubts. (It's kind of sad to see happening in her heart. I love the pure trust and joy of unquestioned faith.) She asked, "What if I'm a mom one day and I believe and the Tooth Fairy doesn't come?"
Allyson is laying right next to her as she talked. 
I told Nicole if the Tooth Fairy didn't come for Allyson I would give Allyson some money. 
Nicole is growing up. But not too fast. And for that I am thankful. 

1 comment:

  1. So sweet and you're brave. I CANNOT pull a tooth. Well I guess I could but I really, really don't want to. Just wait till you hear how Morgan lost her latest tooth!
