Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Swimming at Jeff and Gina's

Here's another unfinished post from - gasp - July, 20, 2010. So, what happens is I start them, mean to get back to them and don't. And they sit in my "unpublished" folder for, um, years. I obviously have NO idea what else I was going to add to this little post. So, here's a blast from the past. With more to come... Oh, and this is baby Allyson as Mallory wasn't even a thought yet!

We spent the majority of our trip swimming at Frank and Dusty's or Jeff and Gina's pool. (Unfortunately I didn't have a camera at Frank and Dusty's!) Allyson definitely had no fear and would not hesitate to jump in
the deep end. So we had to watch her very closely!

Nicole was so excited to actually swim on her own for the first time! The video shows Allyson jumping on the trampoline while Nicole and Grandma practice swimming.

1 comment:

  1. I have pictures of them swimming at Aunt Dusty's pool posted lol! Maybe I'll find the post and comment here for an addition to this post lol!
