Monday, August 2, 2010

Color Me... All Over

Today I spent most of the afternoon on the phone with HP (via India) trying to fix a problem with our computer.  I let the kids watch videos, color, anything that would pacify them while I was dealing with the computer.  I should have known letting them use markers unattended was going too far.
(Oh, and the braided pigtails on Nicole was attached to an earlier dress-up episode where she wanted to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.  Best I could do, folks. The kid's hair is just not that long.)


  1. That's too funny! Please tell me those were washable markers! Those will be great pictures to look back on some day!

  2. I'm with Angela....please tell me the markers were washable? I might have nightmares tonight just thinking that your house and the kids' faces have markers all over them.

  3. Are you kidding? I wouldn't have a non-washable marker near my children. :)
