Saturday, August 18, 2012

New Swing!

A long time ago some friends gave us a swing set. It was just an old metal one...nothing fancy... but since we didn't have a swing set we were happy to have it. Evidently, so were a bunch of wasps looking for a place to build their nest.

A couple of years ago, while swinging, Nicole was stung three times. It was horrible! Then, a couple of months ago Allyson was stung while swinging. Britt found a nest inside the seat! (It had a crack in it.) We decided to be done with this swing set. While at the Kids Across America camp earlier this summer, the girls fell in love with a tree swing.

Britt and I had talked about building one in our bag yard since we have plenty of trees! So, today he did!!

First he had to saw off some limbs

 Like his workshop? 

Look who has her hands on Daddy's tools 

The girls had fun working with Daddy.

Adding the seats!

The girls love it!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed Britt! They're going to talk about those swings their dad built for them much later in life.
