Saturday, August 18, 2012

Preschool Preview

Allyson's school has a couple of days where the classrooms are open for kids to come in and take a look. Mrs. Crabtree wasn't there but she had little activities set up for the kids to do.

I wanted to get a picture of Allyson standing by the door. She immediately went into her ballet poses. :)

Finally... just a smile. :) 

One of the activities was to draw a picture of herself and tell a few quick facts.

This was her picture. She said her favorite food is pizza but I had to add in that she loves sweets. Just like Nana. Well, just like everyone in our family! 

Speaking of sweets, there were some Skittles on a table. She was to try each color and record which one was her favorite. 

She picked red. And even helped wrote her name by herself (with a little help).

Then she got to decorate the letters of her name. We put magnets on the back and hung the letters on the fridge when we got home. 

On the refrigerator
These are just pictures of her classroom.  

She liked the kitchen with the dollies. 

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