Saturday, March 7, 2015

Nicole's 7th Birthday! - yeah, it's three years late but I did finally post it.

March 8, 2012


What a special day this was for Nicole! She has been counting down and planning since her last birthday. The excitement has increased in the last few weeks so we were shocked to find her sleeping this morning! I didn't get pictures because we were in a hurry as she had to be to school early for a musical practice. But we woke her with toast cut into the shape of the #7 with a candle and sang Happy Birthday to her. I let her open a gift, too. We also brought Chinese food to her at school and had lunch in the cafeteria with her.

Then she went back to class and the rest of us went shopping...

Nicole had been asking for a new bike since before Christmas but we wanted to wait until her birthday. While we were in California for the holidays Nicole tried out a few bikes for my mom when we were shopping. Well, she and my dad recently picked one out and told me which one. Britt and I took Nicole to Wal Mart a couple of weeks ago and just "happened" to walk by the bikes. She wanted to look (and ride through the aisles). Nicole ended up picking out the same bike my dad had found! Allyson decided to help break it in on the way to the register.

While this was going on, Nicole had balloons delivered to school from her Aunt Dusty and Aunt Angela! There was also a Target card! 

The day Nicole picked out her bike she also picked out a new helmet. Papa and Nana provided it for her... along with some new pads, gloves and a bell for her bike. 

(She had to be super quiet when she got home from school and went upstairs for her big surprise because Allyson was in the room next door sleeping.)

Later she had homework to do and I noticed she wrote her name as "Nicole Happy Birthday." 

So far, it has been!! She had play practice (she's going to be in Charlotte's Web at the city theater) and everyone sang Happy Birthday to her (we're talking 40-50 kids).  Nicole shared cookies with the kids and then with practically anyone in her path, wanting everyone to know it was her birthday. It was pretty cute. Especially with hardly any front teeth! :) 

Tomorrow night is her slumber party with two little friends and Saturday she gets a birthday party!

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