Friday, March 20, 2015

Spring Break Trip

The girls were on spring break last week. I had a list of things I wanted to do and we did just about all of them. Except a trip to Kansas City or St. Louis. Daddy's schedule and the budget didn't make this feasible. But Mommy was able to work a few of her old Branson connections and we still enjoyed a beautiful day!!

I remembered someone had given me tickets to Ride the Ducks a long time ago. Mallory had never been and Allyson surely didn't remember it. So off we went.

The ducks are actually old WWII water/land vehicles. They have a small museum upstairs that is pretty interesting.

Soon it was time to ride the Duck!

Mallory was pretty excited about her "quacker." It's an obnoxious "whistle" that makes a duck quacking sound. 

The duck drives over the dam and by the lake. 

They've added a new segment where we drive up a mountain and see other old WWII vehicles. They play patriotic music and tell some of the history behind them. I didn't get very many non-blurry pictures here.

Finally it was time for the "Splash Down" into the lake!!

The best part of the ride was when each of the girls got to have a turn driving the Duck.

The Captain lets each of the kids drive. While up there he asks them (over the microphone) what they want to be when they grow up. Allyson said she wanted to be a teacher so she could teach kids to read. He then asked her what her favorite subject was in school. Her answer? "Lunch!"

Nicole made me laugh! When he asked what she wanted to be she answered, "Anything that ends in 'ologist." He looked at me. I said, "Proctologist?" Nicole answered, "There's no such thing!" (She has no clue.) She then explained, "Paleontologist, Zoologist, etc."

Mallory babbled to the Captain. But mainly she played with all the buttons.

 When the ride was over they each got an official license!

After the Ducks we enjoyed dinner (thank you Groupon) at Shorty Smalls. A photographer was going around the restaurant taking pictures and recognized me. After talking we realized we had seen each other from time to time when I was working on the book. (He takes pictures for various blogs, etc.) This was the pic he took of Britt and me.

After dinner we enjoyed Acrobats of Shanghai show.

Allyson loved the "girl in the white dress." The woman did a beautiful scarf-gymnastics love song number with a male cast member. 

After the show it was time to go home. Mallory had been pretty antsy during the show. We assumed she would fall asleep before we were out of the parking lot. Nope. Wide awake the entire hour home. And she was still blowing that dumb Duck quacker!

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